Beat Exam Stress


Exam time can be super stressful, and sometimes no matter how hard you try to keep your cool, things get on top of you. 

Here are a few tips to beat exam stress..

Prioritise your time
Prioritising your time, subjects and workload will help reduce your stress levels, as you'll be able to ensure that the really important stuff is covered – and at the right time.

Make yourself a revision timetable

A revision schedule and writing to-do lists each day will keep you super prepared and on track to getting everything done – and on time.

Exercise and eat well

Sometimes the idea of exercising during times of high stress feels like the last thing you want to do, but we guarantee you will feel better afterwards

Avoid social media

This will be a tough one for many students, but if you can bear to part with your beloved Instagram, Facebook and Whats App for a few days, it'll do wonders for your stress levels.

Try to Get Enough Sleep

For some people, this is something that’s always put on the long finger especially if you are trying to get the most out of college life. The benefits of a proper night’s sleep can never be underestimated. Most importantly, sleep helps your brain to assimilate new knowledge into your long-term memory so that you can recall it when it comes to test day.



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